Function: Elite
Guard Commander
Motto: "Without law, all is chaos."
Alternate Mode: Truck
Note: C10 MOC, purchased 2008
Graduate of the same class as Optimus Prime at the Autobot Academy,
Sentinel Prime is commander of a squad of the best the Autobots have to
offer - the Elite Guard. Though he is a powerful warrior and a cunning
leader, he is also obsessed with following rules to the absolute letter. He
is unbending in his interpretation of procedure, and dislikes the way
Optimus Prime and his crew improvise. If he had his way, that whole group
would be sent back to Basic Programming.
Galactic Powers & Abilities:
-Battle lance fires energy bolts.
-Shield can adsorb energy and convert into fuel.
-Thinks humans are gross, and may be contagious.