Function: Decepticon
"There ain't nothin'
around harder than my head."
Alternate mode: Modified F-15 Jet
Condition: C10 MOC, purchased 2007
The Decepticons are known for fielding their craziest warriors in the skies,
but Ramjet really outclasses them all. He's a born flier who loves nothing
more than crashing. Sure, he's got a whole rack of concussion missiles and
argon lasers strong enough to vaporize a Dinobot, but he'd rather skip all
that nonsense and just smash head first into his targets - and anything else
that gets in his way. He's just as likely to smash his allies out of the way
as he is to destroy any Autobots in his path, but watching him plow through
a battlefield is so fun Megatron keeps him around anyway.