Condition: C8, purchased 2000
Function: Infiltrator
Transformation: Jaguar
Motto: "Terror is the stage on which I perform."
Sly, silent and savage. The right machine for the right job. Often ignores
his victims' pleas for mercy. In puma mode, can leap 7 miles. Processes
superior eyesight and sense of smell. In robot mode, laser range finder in
optical sensors provides 99.4% accuracy with twin anti-personnel missile
launching bayonets. Clone brother is Wingspan.
Function: Data Processor
Transformation: Condor
Motto: "Knowledge is the most deadly weapon of all."
Always poking his beak where it doesn't belong. Nosey. Voracious appetite
for new data to analyse. Looks in people's windows as readily he spies on
enemy troops. In hawk mode, has superb vision. Chemical and infrared sensors
collect and analyse geographical data, locate resources. In robot mode, has
two electro-burst rifles. Clone brother is Pounce.