Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 8
Endurance: 7
Rank: 7
Courage: 9
Firepower: 10
Skill: 6

US Tech Specs
Function: Sneak Attack Specialist
Motto: "When you least expect it, expect me."
Alternate Modes: Stealth Jet & Tank, Fighter Jet
Note: C8 Loose, Purchased 2002

Sneaks in from excessive altitudes while cloaked in stealth armour. Bombs Autobot strongholds without ever being detected. Separates into smokescreen jet fighter and armoured tank to enhance destructive capabilities. As robot or plane - the giant gatling gun blasts a multitude of missiles at enemy forces while jet fighter enters dogfights with wing mounted missile launchers. Impossible to shoot down; you can't hit what you can't see!

UK Tech Specs

Function: Stealth Attack Specialist
Motto: "You won't see me coming, but you'll know when I've arrived!"

Silent and undetectable, stealth assault swoops down on the Autobots as a stealth bomber, separating into jet fighter and armoured tank to deliver the ultimate attack. His gatling gun bombards the enemy while the jet fighter enters dog fights with wing mounted launchers. Stealth assaults armour makes him a formidable force.


Photograph Links (click the following to view):

Dreadwing robot mode
Smokescreen robot mode
Dreadwing jet mode
Dreadwing tank mode
Smokescreen jet mode
Dreadwing & Smokescreen jet modes
Dreadwing & Smokescreen combined

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