Rank: 10
Power: 8
Defence: 9
Stamina: 9
Speed: 7
Total: 43

Function: Supreme Commander
Motto: "Power, skill, wisdom, and courage: that is a Brainmaster!"
Alternate mode: Jet
Condition: C10 MIB, purchased 2004

Profile: A Brainmaster hero chosen by the Universal Peace Federation. Heads onto the battlefield brandishing his sword and calling out his catch phrase, "Let's say 'go!'" Normally a gentle mechanism, but his rage towards atrocious evil towers unmatched.

Weapons: Saber Blade; Thermal Shot

Photograph Links (click the following to view):

Front of box
Back of box
Robot mode
Robot mode with gun
Robot mode with sword
Robot mode with smaller head
Smaller robot mode
Base mode
Smaller jet mode
Jet mode


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