Strength: 10
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 9
Endurance: 8
Rank: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 9
Skill: 7

Function: Predator Communications
Motto: "Hate till it hurts and then hate some more!"
Alternate mode: ICBM Missile Tank
Condition: C8, purchased 2001

The only land-based Predator. A truly twisted mind that's capable of the purest evil. The master of the double bluff. Uses super-tech 'Garble' system to protect Predator signals from Turbomaster spies. Then slyly scrambles their communications to wreak the havoc and confusion he loves. As vehicle, stands solid as a four tracked armoured satellite station and rocket launcher with five missiles. As robot, towers above the battle wielding impressive hand-held fighting power.

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