Function: Multiforce
Transformation: Jet Aircraft & Hover Boat
Condition: C10 MISB; purchased 2002. The figures displayed are the 2004
reissue figures, used for example only as my original is sealed.
Abilities: Wing, soldier of the sky (Multiforce Squadron leader) and Waver
the sea soldier. They change the wind and water into a multiple power to
wipe out the enemy.
Weapons: Multiple Wing laser gun & Multiple Waver laser gun.
Final attack: They manipulate the wind and suck up the water from the sea
and rivers to create an artificial tidal wave "The Multi Dead Hurricane"
which is the strongest attack out of the Multiforce members.
Card Info:
Codename: Wing Waver
Code: C-316
Level: 59
Origin: Planet V
Profile: Wing
Waver is the combination of two excellent young Cybertrons. Wing is
appointed leader of the Multiforce Squadron, an excellent team player and
strategist. Waver is the deputy leader and helps Wing with his knowledge and