Function: God of Good
Alternate Mode: Planet Seibertron
Condition: C10 MIB; purchased 2006. Tech-Spec provided by Doug Dlin
Abilities: Creator of all Transformers, a god-like
figure to them. Considered a legendary being since the birth of the
Transformers, his true form is in fact a titanic Transformer who turned into
their home world of Seibertron. With his love for the entire universe,
achieves the exact opposite of the evil cosmic emperor Unicron. Capable of
super-subspace flight in spaceship mode. Thought to have existed in another
dimension's universe prior to the Transformers' creation. His existence is
enshrouded in many mysteries.
Profile: Loves universal peace and order.
Weapons: Shoulder-mounted Planet Cannons capable of
destroying a fixed star. Brightness Shot slices through planets.